My knees have been aching more this winter than any other. Hopefully it's just the weather and not the fact that I still sit on my knees like a 6 year old when I'm at home. A couple times it's been so bad, that you could even see my knees glowing red. Like I was in an Icy Hot commercial.
Yeah, you could see my bone, and the glowing was even covering my finger. It was THAT painful. Knees shouldn't be the first things to go on humans. After a million years of walking upright, you'd think the ones with shoddy knees would have dropped from the gene pool. Those wooly mammoths would have ROFL'd as the hopeless humans attempted to escape writhing in pain, their knees buckling every step looking like marionettes. Alas... they obviously must have survived long enough to reproduce, since I'm a direct decendant of one of them. Hopefully, by the time these knees give up for good, there will be some technology out there to make them super charged. Give em a POWER SURGE! I knew Mike O'Malley was on to something.