Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New York State of Mind

Ever since I was presented with the idea of moving into Manhattan, I've been feeling like Billy Joel and/or NaS. Living in New York has always been a goal, since beginning work. The problem was always money. Do I hold off on retirement savings and live for the Now? Or sacrifice my youth (have I already? Find out here!) and live for the Later? Living for the Now and Later would be ideal. Who could pass up a life filled with sweet juicy taffy? However, with Manhattan rent costing at least one arm and one leg, it never seemed like a possibility.

*Enter Global Economic Collapse stage left*
Global Economic Collapse - Hey guys, what's up?
The World - Oh #%$@.

Consider this analogy: Global Economic Collapse is to Tom, as The World is to Walt.

I've been doing some much research on Manhattan apartment prices, and have found a lot of information regarding the recent downturn in the NYC realstate. It seems to have finally begun to catch up to the rest of the country.

Vacancies are forcing landords to reduce rents, offer months free, and pay broker fees.

Some Goldman Sachs guy talks about how prices need to fall

Examples of some recent apartments being rented for less

Currently, it is unclear whether prices are expected to drop further as the year goes on. Typically there is higher demand going into the Summer, which may balance out the decline. I'll be following the market closely in the next few months, but it's pretty clear now that moving in soon would be the best plan.

The more I think about it, the more exciting it sounds. No longer will I have to commute an hour and a half to work every day... No longer will I have to cut city nights early to catch that last train... No longer will I have to follow up "So you want to come back to my place?" with "I live over an hour away in New Jersey"... But is all that worth the extra $700+ rent every month? Yes.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 In Retrospect

What a year... We lost an economy. We gained a Black president. The Grape Lady video is still as funny as it was in 2007. In order to officially say goodbye to 2008, I feel it’s only necessary to compile a list of useful tidbits to keep in mind as we venture into the new year.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you,

The Guide to 2009: Lessons Learned From 2008
  • You don't appreciate the 1:41 AM train until it's gone.
  • Getting an early start on Sunday to drive home from the beach is a smart plan in theory, but fails in practice, because EVERYBODY gets an early start on Sunday to drive home from the beach.
  • Hockey games are actually fun to attend.
  • You can get anyone to sing with a private karaoke room.
  • Getting a tattoo IS as painful as it looks.
  • If you are desperate at the end of the night, say "Yo, does anyone want to make out?" to a group of girls. It has a 100% success rate so far.
  • When attending a wedding, don't bring someone you have to babysit. Bring someone you know will have a good time. Bonus points if they are hot.
  • Play poker very conservatively in the casinos. The other players will get pissed and throw away all of their money trying to make you fold on good hands.
  • The difference between a restaurant "fee" and "gratuity" added for large parties is not worth arguing over. It can end friendships.
  • The difference between "crayon" and "cran" IS worth arguing over. It can strengthen friendships.
  • Don't miss Newark Penn Station when taking the last train home. Bad things happen to good people.
  • Mistletoe-on-a-stick has great potential, and if mass produced, would make literally hundreds of dollars.
  • Copper wind spinners don't work when hanging from an attic ceiling.
  • Girls find you more attactive when you dress like a guido.
  • NEVER, under any circumstances, do Teach For America. It's worse than boot camp.
  • Don't wait another 15 years to go to Medieval Times.
  • Boyfriends are like assholes. Every girl has one. Especially the really awesome girls who have 2 (one being their boyfriend).
  • Virginia Tech > Boston College
  • Joshua Tree gets way too crowded, but I will still continue to go there.
  • and finally, Don't take taxis home from NYC that lack GPS capabilities.